08 November 2011

Weekly Goals - November 8, 2011

Well, I was finally able to break the slump, thanks to a well-timed visit to one of my previously-mentioned sanctuary spots (and a well-flavored Jamocha shake). So, the goals were met this week, and now that I've pushed myself over the edge on putting out Aston West Triple-Shots, it's time to pump up some goals on the short story front again.

Results for this week:

1. 1500 words (vs. goal of 1500) on Resurrection
2. Completed (and have you seen it?)

And now the goals for this coming week:

1. 1000 words on Resurrection
2. 1000 words on my new short story "Temptation"
3. Develop a plot for one new short story


  1. Good job. Those are great goals, too. I wrote 12/15 pages, and I'm crazy enough to think maybe I can make it up and do 18 this week. We'll see.

  2. Last time I met my goal, I was able to make it by writing just two days in the week...this time, I did it mostly one (though I did have a second day where I had to finish up a few hundred words). I'm not sure if that's a good trend or bad.


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