04 February 2018

Weekly Goals - February 4, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my February goals. Time to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.

2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project either.

3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Exceeded this goal, with over 1000 words written on my short story "Toll Road." Already up around 6000 words on this story, so thinking it may be shifting into novella length at some point.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 625 words on "Toll Road".

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