26 March 2016

FRIENDS IN DEED - 27 March 2016

Time for Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday!

Welcome back to another week of Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday crews! If you haven't already, catch up with my previous snippet, where Aston has been dumped on a prison planet, was chased by a pale, naked psychotic giant with a homemade boulder/tree mallet, and was saved at the eleventh hour by a homemade arrow out of nowhere.
And now, without further adieu, I present the final snippet from my Aston West novel, Friends in Deed. Enjoy!

He couldn’t pull it out from the front, so reached back. The beast’s mind finally gave up hope as soon as his fingers felt a stone tip emerging from the back of his neck. His eyes rolled up into his skull, then he fell backward.

The corpse splashed down and huge waves pushed against me. I jerked my head around and stared at the opposite bank. There, a bow in his left hand and a quiver of arrows strapped to his back, stood the man who’d just saved my life.

Elijah Cassus.

* * *

I shot awake, drenched in sweat and breathing heavy. The ship was rapidly decelerating, and something was definitely wrong. My ship’s computer usually gave me advance notice before we dropped below the hyperspeed threshold.

And there you have it...if you want to find out who Elijah Cassus is, I'm afraid you'll have to buy a copy over on Amazon (and while you're there, pick up one of my other titles). That, or you can make your deductions based on the blurb below. Please check out the other Snippet Sunday folks and the Weekend Writing Warriors! See below for more info on Friends in Deed.

Aston West was condemned to life on the prison planet Lycus IV for spitting in a man’s face. Being forced to reside with the likes of murderers and thieves, he owes his freedom to Lars and Elijah Cassus, who orchestrated an escape. Now the twin brothers call in the favor and force him to return with their team to Lycus IV to rescue crewmate Leah Jordan.
Aston discovers Leah’s desire to leave the twins forever, but Lars and Elijah use fear and intimidation to control their group and no one leaves alive. It’s a case of kill or be killed and Aston will need to become more like the brothers than he ever wanted.

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