01 January 2015

Writing Goals for 2015

Well, now that 2015 is upon us, it's time to start putting together a list of the writing goals I'd like to accomplish this year. Granted, since many of my goals from last year ended up falling short, this list is going to look pretty familiar...

So, here goes:

1. Publish my new Aston short story collection, The Dirty Dozen.

Everything is finished with this one but the cover art. I anticipate completing this one in the first quarter. It will be good to have a second companion collection to my first, Dead or Alive...

2. Publish my new Aston novella Fallen.

The first draft of this one is complete, and it shouldn't be difficult to get some cover art put together. I do have a short story collection that's setting out there, so Fallen may have to wait until the second quarter or so. But, Seeker is patiently waiting for another novella to enter into the stable alongside it...

3. Finish and publish my new Aston novel Life and Death.

Those who've read Friends in Deed and Death Brings Victory know that a lot has happened in the Aston West universe (and if you haven't read them yet, get moving!). Building off of the events in my non-Aston novel The Cure, you can likely guess what's going to happen, but part of the fun is finding out how the story transpires.

4. Publish another Triple-Shot.

I currently have four triple-shots out there, and I'm hoping to keep up the trend of publishing one of these collections each year (my original hope years ago had been to publish one a quarter...how quaint!).

5. Finish the next novella in the Max McCannor series.

Lyndon Perry and I published the first in this series, Escape, a year ago now. The goal is to at least finish (although we're hoping to have them published) the next one by the end of 2015. Although I don't normally like to set goals that depend on other people, I'm hopeful that we can get this done.

All in all, it's going to be a busy year. Thanks to everyone who's purchased a copy of one (or all) of my books, and I'm looking forward to bringing you even more great stories in the near future.

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