13 October 2018

October 2018 Writing Goals

Unfortunately, with my journey to Siouxpercon and the subsequent vacation across South Dakota, and then the inevitable chaos to sort through at work and home afterward, my timing on getting this post out is a bit off. It's now been nine (and a half) months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Unfortunately, due to some health issues that kept me sidelined, and from other vacations, things were a bit slow on the writing front this past month.

So, here are the results for September:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.  - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2000 words written this month.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

Here are my goals for the month of October (trimmed down due to timing):

1. Complete 1,500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.

2. Complete 1,500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.

3. Write 500 words on a new Aston West short story.

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