02 June 2018

June 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been five months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things were a bit weak this month, but better than nothing.

So, here are the results for May:

1. Complete edits on "Toll Road" (or whatever the new title will be). - Completed this goal (with the title of Stormrunner). This is now with beta readers, and a cover artist. Hoping to have this ready for Smallville, later this month. But I have this feeling we'll be looking at this for Air Cap instead.

2. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.  - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2,200 words written this month.

4. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2,000 words written this month.

5. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story (other than "Toll Road"). This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

Here are my goals for the month of June:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 750 words per week, or a little over 250 words per day, writing three days per week.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story. This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

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