12 April 2009

Another Short Story Acceptance!

I usually wait until a story actually comes out before posting notices like this, but this one has both been a long time coming, as well as being the first story accepted by a magazine other than Ray Gun Revival. Staffs and Starships has notified me that my story "Redemption" will be published in their fourth issue later this year.

The journey with this particular story started back in February of 2008 when I started submitting it around. Eventually, it made its way to Staffs and Starships in June of that same year. Those who follow some of my blogs will remember me discussing the fact that I'd mistakenly missed the part of their guidelines in which they'd stated they will not accept space opera. When I notified them of this error on my part, they mentioned that they really enjoyed the story and it was still going through their process. Long story short, the notice of acceptance finally came through this weekend.

So, I'm ecstatic as you can imagine. Not to take anything away from Ray Gun Revival (which I love), but there was always that nagging feeling in the back of my head which told me my short story writing was good enough to make it there, but nowhere else. This, finally, gives me some self-vindication.

I'll be sure to let everyone know when the issue is available...now, off to celebrate!


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