12 August 2008

Weekly Goals - August 12, 2008

This week, for whatever reason, was rather disheartening...so not much done toward the goals.

Results for this week:

1. Completed - story currently with some readers
2. Not started
3. Completed
4. No farther than last week
5. Rained out this weekend - no contacts

And now the goals for the coming week:

1. Complete first draft of "Borne Leadership"
2. Re-start edits of "Double Trouble"
3. Revise two chapters of Death Brings the Victory
4. Send out two queries for Heroes Laugh Last to agents

Submission status for the week:

Short stories:
"Entrapment" (since April 25)
"Redemption" (since June 14)
"Greed" (since May 15)

(Out of 10 submissions)
4 queries remaining
5 queries REJECTED
1 partial REJECTED

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